Friday, July 16, 2010

Prophetic Reminders

This week has been an interesting one from a newsworthy standpoint in many ways. News reports spoke of UFO sightings in China and Norway recently. I learned of a contemporary false Christ, the murder of a believer's family in Pakistan, the passing of a national referendum in Argentina approving gay marriages and I awoke this morning to news of a 3.6 temblor in the Washington D.C. area. So what do these things have in common? Just this: they serve as prophetic reminders to us as believers.

Let's take each event one at a time and make a few comments:

1. UFO sightings in China and Norway

An airport closed temporarily on July 9, 2010 in China due to some strange light in the skies over the airfield. In Dec. 2009, some erie lights were seen in Norway, and they were not of the aurora borealis kind as often seen during winter months. What were they? I have not seen explanations for the Norway episode, but already some have told us that the phenomena in China was some type of mirage due to the refraction of light. Sounds plausible. But ... whether it is true or it was some hoax or a government coverup, this much is true. Jesus spoke of events that would take place in the heavenlies -- and they would be signs for the people on earth. Here are His words:

"There will be fearful events and great signs from heaven." Luke 21:11b

Was Jesus speaking of UFOs? Not enough room for discussion on that question, but Jesus plainly was speaking of something different that would serve as a sign pointing to His coming again. That is the context of His words.

2. Contemporary False Christ

Whereas, there are many antichrists that have come into the world (I John 2:18), the Bible also makes it clear that there will be many false Christs. They are deceivers. Consider Jesus' words in Matthew 24:4-5 & 24-25

"Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in My Name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many... For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect -- if that were possible. See I have told you ahead of time."

There is a man by the name of Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda who presently resides in Florida and ministers throughout the Caribbean in Puerto Rico and has expanded to Central and South America. He not only claims to be Christ, he claims to be the Antichrist. And he has a "666" (see Revelation 13:18) tattooed on his arm. He is a false Christ who teaches a false Christ and a false gospel. Jesus said these type of deceivers will be found on the earth before He returns.

3. A believer's family murdered in Pakistan

Jamshed Masih, a Christian policeman in Pakistan, after having been threatened by the leader of a Muslim mosque in his hometown, came home recently to find his wife and 4 children dead. They had been murdered by a mob led by the leader who had threatened Jamshed earlier. Why were they murdered? Because they were Christians. Jamshed left for work that morning listening to his family singing hymns of praise. He returned to find them slaughtered.

Jesus had these words:

"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of Me." Matthew 24:9

4. Argentina legalizes gay marriages

This week Argentina made the news by making gay marriages legal. This means that same sex marriages will be recognized as legitimate marriages in the same way that heterosexual marriages have always been. Same sex marriage partners now will have all of the rights of legitimate heterosexual marriages in this Latin country.

So what did Jesus have to say about this kind of thing?

"It was the same in the days of Lot... but the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed." Luke 17:28-30

Lot's day displayed a perverse society dominated by sex and perversion that was condemned by God. Jesus said it would be like that again before He comes the 2nd time around.

5. A 3.6 quake strikes D.C

Annually, we hear warnings about the coming "big one" in California. But Washington D.C.? Whereas there was no reported damage from the small earthquake, it was felt by many in the wee hours of July 16, 2010. Virtually no harm done, but again I ask: "Washington, DC?" It's not the first time that DC has felt one, but it is an extremely rare incident.

What is interesting is this came on the heels of our nation's leaders becoming lukewarm, if not cold, in their relations with Israel. There are even reports that Obama has made a promise to Saudi Arabia to get the Jews out of Jerusalem in order to give it back to the Palestinians. If that be true, trouble is on the way. And it will be God we are facing.

The Lord made it clear that He will curse those who curse Israel (Genesis 12:3). We are stepping dangerously close to that warning. Did the Lord send a warning to Washington that He still watches over Israel as its Holy One? Only the Lord knows the answer to that one, but Jesus did say:

"There will be famines and earthquakes in various places." Matthew 24:7b

What is significant about the events of this past week that I read, is that all of them have reference to things that Jesus prophesied as characteristics of the age prior to His return.

It's gettin' late and it's gettin' serious. How are we all doing getting the gospel out? I know that I can do better.